This exciting and modern graduate program is offered through
the Nonlinear
Dynamical Systems Group (NLDS). Dynamical Systems
is an essential tool for the mathematical analysis of
real life problems in fields that include: Physics,
Engineering, Biology and Chemistry. This program provides
the analytical and computational tools and skills required
to formulate and tackle complex models of real life
problems. This program is ideal in preparing students
for recruitment in industry or government laboratories
where a high level of mathematics and modeling is required.
An integral part of Dynamical Systems is the use of
mathematical models and numerical techniques for which
a strong knowledge of scientific computation is needed.
Students in the Dynamical Systems program will acquire
indispensable skills/tools in the use of computers for
problem solving and hence increase their market value
when seeking for a competitive employment opportunity.
Students enrolled in the program are mentored by faculty
members actively engaged in research at the forefront
of Dynamical Systems and Chaos, and its applications.
Students in the program benefit from a dedicated Dynamical
Systems state-of-the-art computer laboratory. Continuous
interactions between the NLDS group and a large number
of research groups/collaborators offers an ideal atmosphere
for our graduate students to engage in scientific and
industrial collaborations. For example the NLDS group
has a strong link with the Space
and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWAR) in San
Diego, including a couple of patents and student internships.
The NLDS has also strong ties with the Physics
and Computer Science
departments at SDSU, as well as with the Naval
Postgraduate School (NPS).
The NLDS group also offers a PhD program in Dynamical
Systems and Applied Mathematics through the Computational
Research Center (CSRC) at SDSU.
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Group Faculty
Blomgren - Numerical analysis, image processing,
partial differential equations.
Carretero - Applied mathematics, nonlinear lattices,
nonlinear waves.
Curtis - Applied mathematics, Mathematical Physcis,
nonlinear waves.
Jérôme Gilles - Harmonic/functional analysis, wavelets, signal/image processing.
Mahaffy - Mathematical biology, delay differential
Palacios - Applied mathematics, bifurcations, symmetries
Carretero and Antonio
Palacios serve as the program advisers.